Making the decision to leave your partner is no small thing, but sometimes, the rifts that come from the stresses of life as medically complex parents can erode our relationships.
So how do you know if divorce is an option, and where do you start if you’re exploring that possibility?
In this episode, Amanda Griffith-Atkins joins me to share advice on the unique issues surrounding divorce between parents of medically complex kids and read experiences shared from the community of other women who have already separated or divorced their partners. We talk through fears, hesitations, and some options that you might have if you feel like divorce is in your future.
Whether or not you’re considering separation or divorce, we hope you leave this episode feeling capable and empowered!
And a big thank you to our sponsor Hibi for making this episode possible! Hibi is an app that helps you organize, manage, and share your child’s medical information. Check them out here!
Visit Hibi’s website to download the app!
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Follow Amanda on Instagram @amanda.griffith.atkins!
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If you’d like to reach out to any of the women who contributed to this podcast, you can find them here:
Abigail @gail.putmannn (its hard, there will be tears and a lot of fear but its so worth it. ace needs his dad)
Alex @_alexishome (confide in someone you can trust and do whatever you can to be able to say you tried it all no regret)
Susan @susiev76 (not in episode but welcomes messages)
Amber @ambysaslytherin (not in episode but welcomes messages)
@Johanna_holtz (cheating for 5 years, healing in heartbroken kind of way)
Sandra @_sandraviramontes_ (during covid totally stopped seeing him and now is super hands off, sometimes it works for parents to go half and half on expenses)
Mckenzie @Kenzie.and.jett (wasn’t much fight for our son. NICU for 350 days and brought him home)
Barby @Barslol88 (heaviness in my life, imagine if there were no children. would you still be there?)
Maddison ward @maddisonjward (last one, mic drop that I said I was supposed to read first, you may feel cemented together but its really just Velcro)
Andie @We.are.takingcare (let go of control and discuss everything and get it in writing)
And if you love this podcast, please leave us a rating or review in your favorite podcast app!
Listen Podcast Here : https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-rare-life/episodes/184-Rachels-Story–Widowed-During-Pregnancy–Misdiagnoses—Sibling-Dynamics-e303jt5
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